This is Our Creed P2

This is Our Creed
 And this is
 what we call people to believe in
Part Tow هذه عقيدتُنا وهذا الذي نَدعُو إليه

Abdulmonem Mustafa Halimah
Abu Baseer Altartousi
Every opinion is rejected when his say is there; and it cannot be left out for the say or opinion of ANYONE else, no matter how knowledgeable they are!
Loving him is necessary, as is asking Allah to bless him. We should respect, highly esteem, and revere him without extremism or alienation. That is because he himself [peace be upon him] prohibited us from being extreme in appreciating him when he said, : { Do not over-praise me as did the Christians with Jesus son of Mary! I am only a slave of Allah and His Messenger.} { Related in Saheeh Bukhari }e 
In addition to that, the Prophet [peace be upon him] once heard a young slave girl chanting {Among us is the Prophet who knows what will happen in the future! So, the Prophet told her not to say that again}  ( Related in Saheeh Bukhari )e
Therefore, whoever hates him, hates his religion, hates his command,  swears at him, mocks him, or belittles him is a Kafir and goes out of the pale of Islam, as Allah establishes it,  If you ask them, they declare: { We were only talking idly and joking.}  Say : { Was it at Allah, and His Ayat } [proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc. and His Messenger that you were mocking?e
e*Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had believed.] [At-Tawbah, 9:65-66].e

Following the Sunnah of the Prophet - whether it is Aahaad  or Mutawatar { Reported by one trustworthy Rawi/narrator } is essential and obligatory; and it is considered as an authority in the basic principles, minor issues, faith, and rulings. And this differentiation between acting in accordance with a hadith Mutawatar and not the Aahaad hadiths is heresy in Deen, and done by {Ahl al-Ahwaa} { Those who follow their own desires }  and {Ahl al-Kalam} { Those who used Greek philosophy in Islamic beliefs }e  

All of this goes against the evidence in Quran and Sunnah, and contradicts what the righteous Salaf { Salaf: [literally, predecessors] are the companions of the Prophet [peace be upon him] and those who followed them, and those who came after who followed them. They are the best three generations in understanding Islam, as Allah and His Messenger verified. }e    

used to believe in the three centuries following the death of Prophet Mohammad [peace be upon him] and whom were recommended by Allah and His Messenger for their piety and understanding of the Deen.e

We ask Allah to be pleased with the Prophet’s companions the Muhajroon of them and Ansar { Muhajroon: [literally Immigrants] are the companions who emigrated from Mecca to Medina. Ansar: [literally, Supporters] are the companions who were natives of Medina }eand the others who embraced Islam after Fath [Conquest of] Mecca. Therefore, we love them and love those who love them. At the same time, we hate who hates them, as well as curse who curses them. We also judge to be kafir whoever says they were kuffar because whoever condemns and criticizes them is basically criticizing the Deen, the Kitab of Allah (Quran) which recommended them, and the Prophet peace be upon him who took them as companions. Therefore, nobody dares to condemn them but a munafiq kafir .e

Allah says in Quran, {Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave their Bai'a [pledge] to you [O Muhammad] under the tree, He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down As-Sakinah [calmness and tranquility] upon them, and He rewarded them with a near victory.}  [Al-Fath 48:18].e

It should be noted that the companions who gave pledge to the Prophet [peace be upon him] under the tree were more than 1400 people.e

Essentially, when Allah was pleased with them, He was pleased with their Religion, their Iman (faith), and their Jihad and support of Prophet Mohammad [peace be upon him].e

 Allah says : { Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate [in prayer], seeking Bounty from Allah and His Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces [foreheads] from the traces of their prostration during prayers. This is their description in the Torah. But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a sown seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe [i.e. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Prophet Muhammad till the Day of Resurrection] and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. Paradise). } [Al Fath, 48:29].e

e{ Those who are with him } are his companions the Muhajireen and Ansar. The ayah also denotes that nobody is enraged with them but the kuffar {that He may enrage the disbelievers with them.}e

Allah also says : { If you ask them, they declare: "We were only talking idly and joking.}   Say : {Was it at Allah, and His Ayat [proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.] and His Messenger that you were mocking?e

e*Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had believed. } [At-Tawbah, 9:65-66].e

And those who  {disbelieved after they had believed} did not  literally mock Allah [Exalted be He], His Ayat, or His Messenger specifically. They only mocked the Companions saying : {we have never seen people who love their stomachs more or tell more lies or are more cowardly in battles than these Quran-readers.}e

So, Allah [Glorified be He] considered this mockery to be the same as mocking Him because it was He who recommended their Faith in His Ayat. So mocking them is basically mocking Allah, His Ayat {in which He recommends them} and His Messenger who spoke highly and also recommended their Faith. This is why those people -and whoever does what they did- disbelieved after they had once believed.e

We also believe that all Sahabah (companions of the Prophet) are trustworthy and that they are the noblest of the creation after the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. The century they lived in was the best in knowledge of Islam; and they are: the most knowledgeable in Deen, the wisest, and their way in Deen is the safest to follow as opposed to those who came later. Consequently, whoever follows their way and abides by their understanding of Deen is the one who will be safe and sound. Contrarily, whoever contradicts them and follows a different path than theirs, he would go astray and most likely bound to err in the matters of Deen.e

Allah says {And whoever contradicts and opposes the Messenger [Muhammad] after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follows other than the believers' way. We shall keep him in the path he has chosen, and burn him in Hell - what an evil destination.} [An-Nisaa, 4:115].e
And among mankind who have the best claim {the believers' way} are the Prophet’s companions may Allah be pleased with all of them.e

The best among Sahabah- that the whole Ummah is agreed on their virtue- are, Abu Bakr, Al Farooq Omar ibn al-Khattab, Othman ibn Affan, and then Ali ibn Abi Taleb, may Allah be pleased with all of them.e

We also believe that the best among centuries in understanding Islam and as being religiously committed was that of the Prophet [peace be upon him] and his companions. After that comes the century of the Tabieen { The righteous followers of Sahabah}, and then who followed the Tabieen. These are the three best generations in Islam. After that, lying becomes widespread, and honesty becomes very rare.e

As for those who came later than the righteous Salaf, their value and esteem come from their adherence to the ways and understanding of the righteous Salaf. Some of them are doing well in this, and some are doing poorly. I ask Allah to make you and me from those who are doing well.e

We believe that Believers in Allah are brethren in Islamic religion. Being on good relations with them is a must. All of them should be one unity against their enemies.e

Also, the Muslim is the brother and supporter of other fellow-Muslims, he should not do them wrong, abandon them, forsake them, or belittle them. Therefore, the whole of the Muslim is sacred to other fellow-Muslims, his blood, his money, and his honour. No transgression whatsoever is to be committed against him.e

Furthermore, judging him as kafir should not be declared based on conjecture, speculation, little correct evidence, or ambiguities, unless it is witnessed that he committed a blatant kufr which cannot be interpreted or twisted and over which we have a strong evidence from the Book of Allah (Quran) and Sunnah of His Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him.e
Whoever hates the majority of Muslims, curses them, or judges them as kuffar, is a blatant Kafir Munafiq because no one can hate the majority of Muslims but a munafiq disbelieving in Islam and hating it !e

A single person of the Muslims who has both virtue and immoral conduct, actually he has both things that make it necessary to {Muwalat} { Lving and treating him as a Muslim} and to Mujafat {Alienation, and ostacizing} because of his immoral conduct. Love and Alienation in this case should be balanced, because he is a Muslim after all, while utter alienation is required against those who choose Kufr (disbelief) over Iman.e

We respect our scholars, venerate them, and recognize their high status and excellence in Deen. We also strive to make excuses to them in the matters in which they erred. We do not think they are infallible or that they cannot be corrected in what they mistook !e

However, we do not follow them blindly in the matters they say or think, which actually are against Haqq {Truth as it is in Quran, Sunnah, and reports of the righteous Salaf.}  because Haqq is a priority to follow; and even though our scholars are dear to us, Haqq is dearer than anyone or anything else.e

In regard to Iman, we believe what the righteous Salaf used to believe -which is derived from the Shariaa texts- that Iman is: a belief in the heart, confession by the tongue, and deeds/actions to be done. Iman increases when the Muslim does various acts of ibadat [worship]; and it also decreases when the Muslim commits sins and wrongdoings. However, the committing of Kufr and Shirk cancelles out and nullifies Iman totally.e

There are actions that are conditional for the wholeness and perfection of Iman; if they are not done, Iman is nullified. Moreover, there are actions that are less important for the wholeness of Iman.e

We do not say, {we do not judge as kafir he who commits a sin without Istihlal {Declaring it as lawful in his heart what Allah has ordained as haram} }!!e

What we say is, {we do not deem kafir whoever commits any sin lesser than Shirk, unless they do Istihlal} That is because Shirk is Kufr by itself; and this applies to any saying of Kufr or action of Kufr. In this case, Istihlal is not a condition for Takfeer { is a practice of declaration of individual or group of previously considered Muslim as kaffir}.e

We do not claim that, {a Muslim cannot exit Islam to Kufr except by Juhood {denying anything that Allah ordered} or Istihlal,}  as the people of Tajahhum and Irjaa { Irjaa: literally means delaying. In Deen, Irjaa is delaying the actions as being a condition to perfect Iman. Murjiaa, are those who claim that Iman is only confession by the tongue and belief in the heart whereas actions are not important.e
Tajahhum is ascribed to Jahm ibn Safwan. Jahmiyya are extreme Murjiaa. They believe that neither actions nor confessions by the tongue are conditions of Iman. For them only the belief in the heart is what matters, no matter what Kufr you say or do!} claim.e

We believe that Kufr is more comprehensive than Juhood. For example, we have :e

 e* Kufr al-I’rad [turning away from Islam]e

  e* Kufr al-Kibr [Arrogance and being unwilling  to submit to Allah]e    
e* Kufr because of mocking and criticizing
 e(Allah, His sign, Ayat, Messenger...etc.)e    
 e* Kufr al-Kurh [ hatred and detestation of
             what Allah has revealed ]e    
 e* Kufr al-Muwalah [ taking up Kuffar as 
   intimate  friends and allies ]e     

  e* Kufr  ash-Shakk [ doubt in Allah and 
       His promise of Paradise and warning      
against Hell ]e      

  e* and Kufr because of directing any 
                     act of worship to anything or      
                 anyone other than Allah .e      
These types of Kufr can put a person out of Islam without Juhood or Istihlal!!e

Juhood and denial can occur by utterance of tongue and actions of body, as much as they can be believed in the heart. All of these are called Juhood, be it in the heart, on the tongue, or manifest in the actions of the body.e

Whoever shows us that he is a Muslim, we judge him to be as such, and we deal with him accordingly. And whoever shows us that he is a kafir -without the presence of a Sharii reason to excuse him- we judge him to be kafir outwardly and inwardly, and we deal with him accordingly.e

We believe that whoever does not practice Tawheed is a kafir, as is the case with whoever does not practice any actions of Iman.e

That is because Allah says, { Say [O Muhammad to mankind]If you really love Allah then follow me [i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Quran and the Sunnah], Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.}  [Aal Imran, 3:31]e

So whoever does not achieve the total following of the Prophet [peace be upon him], his total love of Allah will not be achieved; and whosever case that may be is a kafir, no doubt about it

Allah says, {But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Quran nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection.}  [Ta-Ha, 20:124].e

He also says, {And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of his Lord, then he turns aside therefrom? Verily, We shall exact retribution from the Mujrimun (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc ). }  [As-Sajda, 32:22].e

We believe that a person who does not pray is a Kafir -even if he practices other obligatory duties-. This judgment is based on the reportings of many Sharii evidences in Sunnah and Sahabah verdicts, which all verify so.e 

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